Cycle 2


In the eternal dance of time, my cycle Noun begins with a reverence for the ancient. I delve into the depths, seeking relics of a bygone era—sticks, petrified bones, mountains, and rocks. Years spent underground, frozen in the embrace of the earth, they await discovery with silent patience. As I unearth them from their rocky tombs, I am humbled by their endurance, the irstoic resilience in the face of time's relentless march. These treasures, once lost to the depths, now find a new home in my hands. I cradle them with care, knowing that they carry the whispers of the past, the memories of ancient creatures long gone. Their skeletons, remnants of a forgotten world, become part of my art. I breathe new life into their frozen forms, transforming them into stalactites of wonder and awe. With each find, I am reminded of the fleeting nature of existence — how we, too, are but temporary visitors on this cosmic stage. These fossils, once again returned to the earth, will sink into the ground and await the next cycle, their story continuing long after I am gone.

"Tripod". ceramics. 12 W x 25 H cm. 2022
"Tripod". ceramics. 12 W x 25 H cm. 2022

Cyrcle 2


In the eternal dance of time, my cycle Noun begins with a reverence for the ancient. I delve into the depths, seeking relics of a bygone era—sticks, petrified bones, mountains, and rocks. Years spent underground, frozen in the embrace of the earth, they await discovery with silent patience. As I unearth them from their rocky tombs, I am humbled by their endurance, the irstoic resilience in the face of time's relentless march. These treasures, once lost to the depths, now find a new home in my hands. I cradle them with care, knowing that they carry the whispers of the past, the memories of ancient creatures long gone. Their skeletons, remnants of a forgotten world, become part of my art. I breathe new life into their frozen forms, transforming them into stalactites of wonder and awe. With each find, I am reminded of the fleeting nature of existence — how we, too, are but temporary visitors on this cosmic stage. These fossils, once again returned to the earth, will sink into the ground and await the next cycle, their story continuing long after I am gone.

"Plaquette". ceramic. 21 w x 26 h cm. 2022
"Plaquette". ceramic. 21 w x 26 h cm. 2022
"Blue thing". ceramic. 22 W x 17 H cm. 2022
"Blue thing". ceramics. 22 W x 17 H cm. 2022
"Four-side watcher". ceramic. 12 W x 34 H cm. 2023
"Four-side watcher". ceramics. 12 W x 34 H cm. 2023
"Сeramic from past". ceramic. 34 w x 19 h cm. 2023
"Сeramic from past". ceramics. 34 w x 19 h cm. 2023
"Creature looking for a place on this earth". ceramic. 39 w x 17 h cm. 2023
"Creature looking for a place on this earth". ceramics. 39 w x 17 h cm. 2023
“Bone”. ceramic. 35 h cm. 2023
“bone”. ceramics. 35 h cm. 2023
"Blue ceramic mountain" ceramic. 30 w x 27 h x 15 cm. 2023
"Blue ceramic mountain". ceramics. 30 w x 27 h x 15 cm. 2023
"Blue Mountain". ceramic. 12 w x 30 h cm. 2023
"Blue Mountain". ceramics. 12 w x 30 h cm. 2023